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Coal on Background


The Coal that Built America

Newseam Energy Co. identifies its target reserves using its extensive knowledge of the global coal trade.

We target coal from precisely selected U.S. coal mines located in the Northern and Central Appalachian Basin and the Illinois Basin. We’ve linked these mines with an integrated, strategic logistics network of river docks to allow for a consistent, reliable, and scalable supply network. The coal is barged to mid-stream deep water ports on America's Gulf Coast.


Newseam is proud to have identified and secured high-quality reserves in high demand from a variety of sectors.


The value lies in our approach prior to export: Securing ready-to-mine reserves with target markets in mind, which allowtransporting coal from multiple basins to a single destination. This allows us to carefully blend the ore to meet the desired specifications. It also enables us to amass the very large quantities in high demand.


The result is a consistent, efficient blend that's readily available in significant quantities.


Newseam coal is the best of the coal that built America and supports our mission to help nations and communities develop, individuals and families transcend socio-economic struggles, businesses thrive, and more.

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